Niner Research

Niner Research is the electronic research administration (eRA) system for management of UNC Charlotte’s research and research compliance activities. This system integrates the diverse aspects of our research enterprise, including proposal and contract administration, conflict of interest management, the use of laboratory animals, biosafety, and human subjects research.

NEED HELP? Module contacts are listed within the menu below. If you experience difficulty logging into the system or other technical problems, please email and provide as much detail as possible.

Video Tutorials and Documentation

Research and Economic Development is committed to providing the UNC Charlotte research community with the services required to fulfill their research administration needs. Please see the menu below for short tutorials and video demonstrations to familiarize users with basic and advanced features of Niner Research.  If you would like to suggest a topic for a future tutorial, please email us at

Reference GuidesHelp Videos
Niner Research Basics Video
Delegates Reference GuideVideo

Pop-Up Blocker Notice: Niner Research sometimes utilizes pop-up windows. If your browser settings prevent pop-ups, these windows may be blocked, or you may experience performance issues such as screens attempting to load indefinitely. In some cases, your browser may prompt you to turn off pop-up blockers. Otherwise, for optimal performance, please navigate to your browser settings and disable any pop-up blockers. The Pop-up blocker guide for Niner Research will help you disable pop-up blockers.


Niner Research Technical Support 

  • System Admin: Access/Technical 

The Niner Research Biosafety and Biosecurity module encompasses all submissions for management of IBC teaching and research protocols, including new studies, continuation studies, amendments, and annual renewals. 

Important Details:

  • Migrated protocols: Protocols active prior to module implementation have been migrated to Niner Research. The migrated protocol record reflects your initially-approved protocol and any approved personnel amendments. All approved protocol documents (initial protocol, amendments, renewals, and supplementary materials) are attached to the Niner Research record.
Reference Guides
Biosafety and Biosecurity Guide for Investigators
Associating CITI ID with Niner Research Profile


Cathy Moore – 704-687-1825

  • Biosafety Officer & IBC Coordinator

The Office of Research Services and Outreach as well as your college-based research offices are ready to work with you to ensure prompt and successful proposal submissions. Please contact one of the following team members for assistance:

  • Office of Research Services and Outreach – Stafford Farmer ( or Peter Szanton (
  • College of Arts + Architecture – Mary Welsh (
  • College of Business – Stephanie Sanchez-Esparragoza (
  • College of Computing and Informatics – Audrey Callahan (
  • College of Education – April Schenck (
  • College of Engineering – Shanda Wirt ( or Stacy Leotta (
  • College of Liberal Arts & Sciences – Peter Szanton ( or Paul Cryer (
  • College of Health and Human Services – Vikki Cherwon (
Reference Guides
Proposal Development: Creating, completing and routing proposals
Proposal Tracking and Award Tracking: PT and AT Navigation
Proposal Review:  How to review and approve proposals in Niner Research
Sponsored Programs Budget:  Budgeting in PD, PT, and AT
Financial Tracking: How to use the Financial Tracking module
Video Tutorials and Demos
Proposal DevelopmentAward TrackingFinancial Tracking
How to create a proposal in Niner ResearchHow do I access an award from Proposal Tracking in Niner ResearchHow do I access the financial tracking fund Operating Budget in Niner Research?
How to navigate the review and approval dashboardHow do I access and view an award in Niner ResearchHow do I access the financial tracking fund Personnel in Niner Research?
How to create a budget in Niner ResearchHow do I search for an award in Niner ResearchHow do I access the financial tracking fund Receivables in Niner Research
How to finalize a proposal in Niner ResearchHow do I access Award Page Setup in Niner ResearchHow do I access the financial tracking fund Soft Encumbrances in Niner Research?
How to complete and route a minimum effort waiver in Niner ResearchHow do I access Award Agreements in Niner Research
How do I complete and route a F&A Waiver in Niner Research 


Peter Szanton – 704-687-1881
Stafford Famer – 704-687-1860

  • Proposal Development

Hector Henry – 704-687-8879

  • Agreements

Hector Henry – 704-687-8879

  • Proposal Tracking
  • Award Tracking (Contracting)
  • Subawards
  • Change Requests (Contracting)

Darlene Booker – 704-687-1873
Kathy Edwards – 704-687-1858

  • Award Tracking (Post Award)
  • Change Requests (Post Award)
  • Financial Tracking
  • Fund Setup

Christelle McKinney – 704-687-1886

  • Subrecipient Monitoring

The Reference Guides below will help in completing actions within the Niner Research Change Request module. For more information about Change Requests, visit the Grants and Contracts Research Administration Documents webpage and locate the relevant topic.  

Reference GuidesHelp Videos
Assumption of RiskHow do I Submit an Assumption of Risk change request in Niner Research?
Budget RevisionHow do I submit a Revised Budget for an Award Change Request in Niner Research?
Budget Revision – Carry ForwardHow do I submit a Budget Carry Forward of an Unobligated Balance Change Request in Niner Research?
No Cost ExtensionHow do I submit a No-Cost Extension Change Request in Niner Research?
PI or CoPI change How do I submit a PI or CoPI Change Request in Niner Research?
Award Relinquish/TransferHow do I submit an Award Relinquishment/Transfer Change Request in Niner Research?


Darlene Booker – 704-687-1873
Kathy Edwards – 704-687-1858

  • Change Requests

Visit our Conflict of Interest page and view the Frequently Asked Questions document to learn more about the COI disclosure form. The Reference Guides below will help you complete necessary actions within Niner Research. 

Reference GuidesHelp Videos
Preparing for your Conflict of Interest Disclosure 
How to Submit a Disclosure Video
Reviewing a notice of intent to participate in EPAPVideo


Sherry Loyd – 704-687-8270​

  • Associate Director and Conflict of Interest Manager

The Niner Research IRB module manages all protocol submissions, including new studies, renewals, post-approval administrative check-ins, amendments, and adverse/unanticipated events.

Important Details:

IRB Review Process and Timeline:

  • The Office of Research Protections and Integrity completes a preliminary review of the protocol application submission and works with the Investigator to address preliminary review comments. The level of review required is also determined at this point.
  • The protocol application submission is submitted for IRB review (whether to the IRB Chair or at least one member of the Committee) and any IRB review comments are addressed by the Investigator.
  • The averge review times are:
    • Exempt = 10-20 days
    • Expedited = 4-6 weeks
    • Full = The IRB meets once a month

IRBIS Legacy Studies:

  • Data migration of IRBIS legacy studies included basic header information and study attachments.
  • Researchers may create amendments and annual renewals (if applicable) for IRBIS legacy studies.
  • The Niner Research IRB protocol is not a one-to-one match for IRBIS.  As such, when creating an amendment or annual renewal, the protocol content itself will be incomplete and must be added.
  • Please request assistance from the IRB office to migrate the protocol content.  Plan for a minimum of 7 business days for the migration.
  • Submit your request to Provide the IRBIS protocol number and the submission type needed (amendment or annual renewal).
  • If you plan to migrate the protocol content yourself, refer to the Legacy Studies Help Document (IRBIS to Niner Research) in the Reference Guides section below.
  • Importantly, if you migrate the protocol content yourself, you must migrate all of the content.  The submission will be returned to you if any content is missing. 
Reference Guides
FAQ’s for Legacy Studies
Legacy Studies Help Document (IRBIS to Niner Research)
IRB Guide for Researchers
Associating CITI ID with Niner Research Profile
Checking Submission Status
Video Tutorials and Demos
Creating and Submitting initial IRB application
Locating Records
Navigating Niner Research IRB module
Responding to review comments


IRB Office –

The Niner Research IACUC module encompasses all submissions for management of animal research and teaching protocols, including new studies, continuation studies, amendments, and annual renewals. For detailed information about the Animal Care and Use Program at UNC Charlotte, visit our website.

Important Details:

  • Protocol migration: Protocols active prior to module implementation have been migrated to Niner Research. Migrated protocols reflect the initially-approved protocol and any approved personnel / animal numbers amendments. All approved protocol documents (initial protocol, amendments, renewals, and supplementary materials) are attached to the Niner Research record.
  • Protocol deadlines: Principal Investigators will receive automated system reminders in advance of annual renewal and continuation deadlines. Please monitor your email for these reminders, and submit your protocol documents promptly to avoid interruptions to your research studies.
Reference Guides
IACUC Frequently Asked Questions
IACUC Guide for Investigators
Associating Your CITI ID with Your Niner Research Profile
Video Tutorials and Demos
Creating & Submitting an IACUC Protocol
Viewing Reviewer Comments & Revising Your IACUC Protocol
Amending Your IACUC Protocol
Renewing Your IACUC Protocol
Using IACUC Workflow Maps


IACUC Office –

  • IACUC/Animal Care and Use Program