Lab Coat Laundry Program

Every Tuesday, Cintas will collect dirty lab coats and deliver clean lab coats from three (3) locations on campus (Science 015, Woodward 163, and Bioinformatics loading dock).

Please read carefully and follow the procedures detailed below.

Please provide complete and accurate information. Cintas prints a barcode on the inner part of the collar of each lab coat based on the information provided on the laundry form. This identifies the building and the laboratory associated with each lab coat. The barcode will facilitate Cintas to group lab coats from the same lab and return them to the correct building. We recommend that you always use the same building location. If you change labs/buildings, please contact the BSO.

Include the following information:

  1. Fill out the lab coat laundry form.(Click here to download the form).
    1. Building and room number used for drop off (i.e., Science 015, Woodward 163 OR Bioinformatics loading dock), name of PI/Director/Head of the lab.
    2. Yes / No If lab coat needs to be barcoded
    3. If Yes. How many?
    4. Date
    5. Laboratory room number
    6. Biological or Chemical Spills/Splashes: If any significant spill has happened, add the name of the chemical and put this lab coat in a separate plastic bag before placing it in the larger bag with other dirty lab coats
    7. Requesting garment to be re-barcoded: Have you inherited an old lab coat? Moved buildings? Make sure you document precisely what changes need to be made to all coats in the bag.
    8. Indicate the total number of lab coats to be identified with the above information.
  2. Bag the lab coat.
    1. Lab coats without a barcode: Combine the lab coats that need to get a barcode in an orange plastic bag (available in the drop off/pick-up locations).

      Note: Use multiple orange plastic bags if needed, but always add a copy of the form inside the bag. If you need to request a barcode to be corrected, add a new copy of the form inside a bag with the correct garment.

    2. Lab coats already barcoded by Cintas: Place the lab coats inside ANY plastic bag before leaving the laboratory

      Lab coats must be bagged before leaving the laboratory. Lab coats should be autoclaved before laundry if a significant spill with biohazard material has happened.

  3. Add a copy of the form to the orange plastic bag.

    Note: You MUST have a copy of the form together with lab coats that need a barcode, the information on the form will be used to create the barcode and identify the lab coat origin.

  4. Bring the plastic bag to one of the drop off locations (same location from form item 1a) at least one (1) day before the pick-up (Tuesdays).
  5. Add the plastic bag with the lab coats from the same lab to the gray laundry soil bin located at the drop off point.
  6. Email a copy of the form to
  7. Go back to the drop off location on the following Tuesday to pick up clean lab coats from your lab (they should be grouped by lab). Do not leave your clean lab coat there; it is your responsibility to pick up on the following Tuesday.

    Note: The Office of Research Protections and Integrity is not responsible for the lab coats forgotten on the drop off locations.


  • Bioinformatics Building: On the loading dock
  • Science Building: Room 015
  • Woodward Hall (Biological Sciences Building): 1st floor, in the hallway inside Room 163


  • Every lab coat needs to have a barcode to be returned to the correct location.
  • The Office of Research Protections and Integrity pays for every barcode added to a lab coat, so please do not remove the bar code.
  • The laundry process for research and healthcare products requires a “harsh” procedure to clean and decontaminate according to required standards. It is possible that your lab coat is made of a material that cannot withstand the process. In case you have a lab coat damaged from the laundry process, please contact the BSO. Lab coats strong enough withstand this process are available through major vendors (e.g., Cintas, VWR, and Fisher)
  • Plan according to your lab work schedule and the number of lab coats available in your lab. Do not send all lab coats at the same time! If somebody will need a lab coat during the week between drop off and pick-up, retain the number of lab coats needed during that time. Be aware that UNC Charlotte requires the use of lab coat and gloves during any work with biohazard material at Biosafety Laboratories Levels 1 and 2 (Additional Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) may be required; BSL-3 has specific requirements.)
  • Indicate chemical or biological material spills or splashes on the lab coat for proper handling by Cintas. Place the affected lab coat in a separate bag as described above.
  • Lab coats contaminated with radioactive material should be disposed of as hazardous waste; please contact EHS (704-687-1111).
  • You can find more about Cintas procedures at



Allows every garment to be traced from pick-up to delivery. Cintas barcode system allows for:

  • Positive ID of the garment
  • Cradle to grave traceability
  • Inventory management
  • Helps ensure accurate deliveries
  • Helps ensure accurate grouping

Figure 1. Barcode image.

Figure 2. Red “X” shows the location where the barcode will be placed on the lab coat.

Figure 3. Orange plastic bag provided by Cintas, and available at drop off locations.

To download files, click below:

Lab Coat Laundry FORM. Complete this form, print, and include copy in orange bag with your lab coats. Send a copy to

For technical questions regarding lab coat selection, use, and laundry, please contact the Biosafety Officer Dr. Cathy Moore x71825 or e-mail